Prepare to be spooked for charity

A haunted house poster with creepy Halloween images.

It’s that spooky time of year when John and Lisa Cole, from Northolt, are constructing their haunted house to attract visitors and raise funds for Meadow House Hospice.

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Cole family street party success

A child rubbing subs into a man's face.

The Cole family street party held recently, in aid of our hospice, was a huge success. Not only did Elvis and Ed Sheeran make guest appearances, but the sun shone to make sure everyone had a fantastic day.

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Thank you for your kind gift

A chocolate cake with strawberries and cream with thank you written on oit.

Thank you to Ajay for dropping by with this delicious cake. We cared for Ajay’s mother, Prem Malhan, for some time but she sadly passed away in February.

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