Meadow House Hospice
Meadow House Hospice supports patients in Ealing and Hounslow
Meadow House Hospice provides specialist palliative and end of life care for patients with life limiting illness who are registered with a GP in Ealing or Hounslow. We provide compassionate and skilled clinical care that meets the needs of our patients and those most important to them. We care for patients at home, in nursing and care homes, and in the hospice.

What we do

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Our supporters
Your generosity makes all this possible
The amazing support of our donors, fundraisers, corporate partners and NHS staff enable us to help patients and their families in a wide range of ways. We couldn't achieve anything without you. However you support us, you are making a real difference to the lives and well-being of our patients.
If you would like to know more about our work in your
community please fill in your details below:
If you would like to know more about our work in your
community please fill in your details below: